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​Unknown Self

Everyone has different reactions after getting a drink such as getting flushed, remaining unchanged, turning into an orator of sadness or falling asleep. These reactions reflect their unknown self which is the concept in Johari Window. To explore the self that no one knows including myself, I try to drink until blacking out and record the process. _ 酒,飲用後每人身上的反應都不一樣。有人面紅耳赤,有人面不改色,有人化身悲情演說家,有人昏昏這些酒後的反應如同反映出沉睡在體內的另一個自己,故藉探索酒量進一步了解未知的我,可是想知道卻又害怕一切過於坦白⋯⋯ *在Johari Window中,unknown self是指自己和別人都不知道的自我,而愈年青的人身上的區域便會越大。

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